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missionSegmentEndConditionType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element CAS[0, 1]

Calibrated airspeed at the end of the segment in [m/s]

      Element machNumber[0, 1]

Mach number at the end of the segment

      Choice Choice[0, 1]
            Element positionGeo

Global coordinate at the end of the segment in geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude)

            Element positionXYZ

Global coordinate at the end of the segment in xyz coordinates

            Element runwayUID

destination runway UID

      Element orientation[0, 1]

Final orientation in segment

      Element range[0, 1]

Flown distance in the segment (x, y, z)

      Element duration[0, 1]

Duration of the segment

      Element specificExcessPower[0, 1]

Specific excess power at the end of the segment

      Element rateOfClimb[0, 1]

Rate of climb ending the segment

      Element flightPathAngle[0, 1]

Angle of flight path ending the segment

      Element massFraction[0, 1]

MassFraction ending the segment

      Element fuelFraction[0, 1]

Fuel mass fraction ending the segment, as remaining fuel mass with respect to initial segment fuel mass

      Element fuelRemaining[0, 1]

Remaining absolute fuel ending the segment

      Element fuelConsumed[0, 1]

Consumed fuel mass ending the segment

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Conditions which signal the end of a mission segment