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enginePerformanceMapType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element bleedAirOfftake


      Element description[0, 1]


      Element eiCO[0, 1]

Emission index Carbon Monoxide

      Element eiHC[0, 1]

Emission index unburned hydrocarbon

      Element eiNOx[0, 1]

Emission index Nitrogen Oxide

      Element eiSoot[0, 1]

Emission index Soot

      Element eiSOx[0, 1]

Emission index Sulfur Oxide

      Element etaPFan[0, 1]

Fan efficiency

      Element flightLevel[0, 1]

Flight Level

      Element machNumber[0, 1]

Mach number

      Element mDot18[0, 1]

Mass flow through bypass nozzle

      Element mDot8[0, 1]

Mass flow through core engine nozzle

      Element mDotFuel[0, 1]

Fuel mass flow

      Element n1[0, 1]

Percent of n1Max, shaft 1

      Element n1rel[0, 1]

Relative rotational speed of the low pressure spool = rotational speed based on design speed n1 (maximum take-off)

      Element n2[0, 1]

Percent of n2Max, shaft 2

      Element n2rel[0, 1]

Relative rotational speed of high pressure spool = rotational speed based on design speed n2 (maximum take-off)

      Element name


      Element nozzA18[0, 1]

area at bypass outlet

      Element nozzA8[0, 1]

area at core outlet

      Element piFan[0, 1]

Fan pressure ratio

      Element powerOfftake


      Element relDryThrust[0, 1]

Relative dry thrust = share of maximum dry thrust, values larger 1 mean: using afterburner

      Element relWetThrust[0, 1]

Relative wet thrust = thrustRatio based on maximum wet thrust, values always smaller 1

      Element rho18[0, 1]

air density at bypass outlet 18

      Element rho8[0, 1]

air density at core outlet 8

      Element t18[0, 1]

Total temperature at bypass nozzle

      Element t8[0, 1]

Total temperature at core engine nozzle

      Element tET[0, 1]

Turbine entry total temperature

      Element thrust[0, 1]

Absolute thrust [N]

      Element v18[0, 1]

Speed at bypass nozzle

      Element v8[0, 1]

Speed at core engine nozzle

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type IDYes
EnginePerformanceMap type, containing a perfomance map with engine data