delisWingModelSettingsType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element numberOfElementsInEtaDirectionInEachBay[0, 1]

Number of finite elements in span(eta) direction within each region of adjacent spars and ribs. Defaults to 3

      Element numberOfElementsInXsiDirectionInEachBay[0, 1]

Number of finite elements in chord(xsi) direction within each region of adjacent spars and ribs. Defaults to 10

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionEta[0, 1]

Number of bays in span(eta) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to 1

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionXsi[0, 1]

Number of bays in chord(xsi) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to the number of bays between adjacent spars

      Element createHalfWing[0, 1]

Flag if a half wing model should be created even if symmetry is given in the wing definition Defaults to False

      Element createWingBox[0, 1]

Flag if just the wing box(region from front spar to rear spar) should be modeled. Otherwise a model from leading to trailing edge is created. Defaults to True

      Element createControlSurfaces[0, 1]

Flag if the control surfaces should be modeled explicitly instead of using mass points Defaults to False

      Element stringerModeling[0, 1]

Determines how stringers are modeled. These strings can be given: [smeared, simpleBeamSection, complexBeamSection] Defaults to smeared

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string