modelSettings Element

Settings that affect the wing’s finite element model. The splitting of the optimization regions still account for the given splitting in CPACS. So if some certain structure is split more fine, while these parameters are coarse, the fine split stays intact!

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element numberOfElementsInEtaDirectionInEachBay[0, 1]

Number of finite elements in span(eta) direction within each region of adjacent spars and ribs. Defaults to 3

      Element numberOfElementsInXsiDirectionInEachBay[0, 1]

Number of finite elements in chord(xsi) direction within each region of adjacent spars and ribs. Defaults to 10

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionEta[0, 1]

Number of bays in span(eta) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to 1

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionXsi[0, 1]

Number of bays in chord(xsi) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to the number of bays between adjacent spars

      Element createHalfWing[0, 1]

Flag if a half wing model should be created even if symmetry is given in the wing definition Defaults to False

      Element createWingBox[0, 1]

Flag if just the wing box(region from front spar to rear spar) should be modeled. Otherwise a model from leading to trailing edge is created. Defaults to True

      Element createControlSurfaces[0, 1]

Flag if the control surfaces should be modeled explicitly instead of using mass points Defaults to False

      Element stringerModeling[0, 1]

Determines how stringers are modeled. These strings can be given: [smeared, simpleBeamSection, complexBeamSection] Defaults to smeared

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
See Also