delisToolspecificType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element tool

Tool identification

      Element aircraftModelUID

UID of the aircraft model

      Element lumpMassBreakdownOutput

Flag if the massbreakdown should be written with every single structural item or if the mass sum of each type of structural element of one component should be written. E.g. write all sparCells or write only the sum of the sparCells of the wing. Defaults to false

      Element coupleFuselageBT

Flag if coupling with the BT fuselage should be performed. In this case, DELiS creates only wings and the ansys components for coupling with Trafuma. If False, also a DELiS fuselage will be created, if given and requested and coupled with the DELiS wings. Defaults to false

      Element useAeroCoefficientAndNodalInertialLoads

Flag if the loadcase AeroCoefficientAndNodalInertialLoadsLoadCase should be used before other loadcases Defaults to False

      Element createdComponents[0, 1]

Optional list of ComponentIDs of the component(wing or fuselage) that should be modeled. If not set all components are modeled.

      Element wings[0, 1]

List of wings to set specific model and sizing settings. If not specified, default values are used.

      Element fuselages[0, 1]

List of fuselages to set specific model and sizing settings. If not specified, default values are used.

      Element sizingConvergence[0, 1]


Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string