controlSurfaceTrackTypeType Complex Type

Control surface tracks (mechnaical link between control surface and parent).

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element eta

Relative chordwise position of the track. Eta refers to the control surface.

      Element trackType

Type of the track. Please refer to the remarks of the controlSrufaceTrackTypeType for details.

      Element trackSubType[0, 1]

Type of the track. Please refer to the remarks of the controlSrufaceTrackTypeType for details.

      Element actuator[0, 1]


      Element trackStructure[0, 1]


Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type stringYes

A track in general describes the structural link between the control suface and the parent. Tracks are e.g. the flap tracks, the revolute joints, where the aileron or spoiler is attached, or the kinematics, attaching slats to the wing.

The spanwise position of the track is defined by 'eta', which refers to the control surface dimensions.

The structural properties of the track (e.g. materials) are defined in 'trackStructure'.

If an actuator is included into the the track, a reference is given in 'actuator'.

The principal kinematic of the track is defined by setting the 'trackType' and 'trackSubType'. Please refer to the tables below for setting the 'trackType' and 'trackSubType' parameter. Note, those tables are not final - they are extended continuously.

For trailing edge devices (TED), the 'trackType' and 'trackSubType' parameter are defined as follows:

tracks ted

For spoiler, the 'trackType' and 'trackSubType' parameter are defined as follows:

tracks spoiler

For leading edge devices (LED), the 'trackType' and 'trackSubType' parameter are defined as follows: Currently no definition available.