delisWingModelSettingsType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element numberOfElementsInEtaDirection[0, 1]

Number of Elements in span(eta) direction. This also defines the number of real and imaginary ribs in delis.

      Element numberOfElementsInXsiDirection[0, 1]

Number of Elements in chord(xsi) direction. This also defines the number of all types of spars (le,te,real,imaginary) in delis.

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionEta[0, 1]

Number of bays in span(eta) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to 1

      Element skinBaysInSizingRegionXsi[0, 1]

Number of bays in chord(xsi) direction that defines the size of the optimization region. Defaults to the number of bays between adjacent spars

      Element createOnlyWingBox[0, 1]

Flag if just the wing box(region from front spar to rear spar) should be modeled. Otherwise a model from leading to trailing edge is created. Defaults to True

      Element createControlSurfaces[0, 1]

Flag if the control surfaces should be modeled explicitly instead of using mass points Defaults to False

      Element stringerModeling[0, 1]

Determines how stringers are modeled. These strings can be given: [smeared, simpleBeamSection, complexBeamSection] Defaults to smeared

      Element capModeling[0, 1]

Determines how caps are modeled. These strings can be given: [simpleBeamSection, complexBeamSection]. Defaults to simpleBeamSection.

      Element createStructureTopology[0, 1]

Flag if wing structure should be created automatically via aircraft generator class without an input dataset. If the flag is set to false, the inner structure needs to be read from CPACS or any other input dataset. Attention: At the moment, only ribs will be created if True.

      Element splitWingStructure[0, 1]

Flag if wing structure(spars and skins) defined in cpacs should be split into smaller regions bordered by spars and ribs. If False, the initial cpacs definition of sparSegments and the default skin definition is used instead of a fine granular structure. This has effects on the sizing regions, which are coarse or fine. Defaults to True

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string