htpInterfaceDefType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence

Definition of the HTP interface

      Element htpFrame1UID

UID of the fuselage frame at the forward HTP attchment

      Element htpFrame2UID

UID of the fuselage frame at the backward HTP attchment

      Element htpAlphaUp

maximum HTP deflection (nose up in degrees)

      Element htpAlphaDown

maximum HTP deflection (nose down in degrees)

      Element htpReinfAngle

angle of the reinforcements at backward HTP attchment (in degrees)

      Element htpAreaToleranceX[0, 1]

Defines area (absolute) in x-direction around htpFrame2UID where the HTP attachmentpoint has correct position ==> check and potentially warning message

      Element htpAreaToleranceY[0, 1]

Defines area (absolute) in y-direction around the outer edge of htpFrame2UID where the HTP attachmentpoint has correct y-position ==> check and potentially warning message

      Element htpAreaToleranceZ[0, 1]

Defines allowed z-position for rear HTP attachment relativ to total frame height ==> check and potentially warning message ==> check and potentially warning message

      Element htpStructuralElementDefinitions

Definition of HTP structural elements

      Element htpForwardInterfaceDefinitions

Definition of HTP forward attachment to structure

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type stringYes
Definition of the interface of HTP