landingGear Element


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element landingGearUID

Reference to the landingGear

      Element relDeflection

Relative deflection of the landing gear

      Element dcd[0, 1]

Delta drag coefficient for landing gear

      Element dcs[0, 1]

Delta coefficient for landing gear side force (perpendicular to lift and drag)

      Element dcl[0, 1]

Delta lift coefficient for landing gear

      Element dcmd[0, 1]

Delta moment coefficient around drag axis

      Element dcms[0, 1]

Delta moment coefficient around side force axis (perpendicular to lift and drag)

      Element dcml[0, 1]

Delta moment coefficient around lift axis

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
LandingGearPerformanceMap type, containing a delta perfomance map with aerodynamic data for a landing gear. This means that the coefficients are deltas to be added to the corresponding coefficients of the base performance map. Array order is (from innermost to outermost loop): relativeDeflection min->max, then angleOfAttack, then angleOfSideslip, then altitude, then machNumber. AngleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip, altitude and machNumber are taken from the basic performance map one level above. For the definition of the coefficients, please refer to the description of the base performance mapLandingGearPerformanceMap type, containing a delta perfomance map with aerodynamic data for a landing gear. This means that the coefficients are deltas to be added to the corresponding coefficients of the base performance map for a specific landing gear deflection. Array order is (from innermost to outermost loop): relativeDeflection min->max, then angleOfAttack, then angleOfSideslip, then altitude, then machNumber. AngleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip, altitude and machNumber are taken from the base performance map one level above. For the definition of the coefficients, please refer to the description of the base performance map
See Also