mainGearSupportBeamPositionType Complex Type

Definition of the main landing gear support beam position.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element xsiInside

Relative chordwise coordinate (xsi) of the inner end of the support beam. Xsi refers to the componentSegment where the landing gear is attached to. The eta postion of the inner end is defined by the eta position of the wing root (=wing-fuselage attachment).

      Element etaOutside

Relative spanwise coordinate (eta) of the outer end of the support beam. Eta refers to the componentSegment where the landing gear is attached to. The xsi coordinate of the outer end is defined by the spar position (first spar), where the support beam is attached to.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Definition of the main landing gear support beam position.