geogenReferenceType Complex Type


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
All All
      Element area

Reference area in [m2] used to dimensionalize all parameters of type 'area', which do not include a unit in their <value> element. GeoGen uses the default value 1 [m2] if the element is not specified or if it contains invalid data.

      Element height

Reference length in [m] used to dimensionalize all parameters of type 'height', which do not include a unit in their <value> element. GeoGen uses the default value 1 [m] if the element is not specified or if it contains invalid data.

      Element length

Reference length in [m] used to dimensionalize all parameters of type 'length', which do not include a unit in their <value> element. GeoGen uses the default value 1 [m] if the element is not specified or if it contains invalid data.

      Element point

Reference point used by GeoGen to position the component assemblies in the global coordinate system. GeoGen uses the default (0; 0; 0) if the element is not specified or if it contains invalid data.

      Element width

Reference length in [m] used to dimensionalize all parameters of type 'width', which do not include a unit in their <value> element. GeoGen uses the default value 1 [m] if the element is not specified or if it contains invalid data.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
The geogenReferenceType is used to define the reference lengths and the reference point used by Geogen.