controlSurfaceWingCutOutType Complex Type

Cut out of the parents structure due to a control surface.

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Base Type
Sequence Sequence
      Element upperSkin

Cut out of the parents upper/lower skin due to a control surface.

      Element lowerSkin

Cut out of the parents upper/lower skin due to a control surface.

      Element cutOutProfileControlPoint[0, 1]


      Element cutOutProfiles[0, 1]

Definition of cut out profiles.

      Element innerBorder[0, 1]

Border type for the inner and outer border of a wing cut out

      Element outerBorder[0, 1]

Border type for the inner and outer border of a wing cut out

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Optional. Definition of the parents structure cut out due to a control surface. The cut out is split into three parts: cut out of the upper and lower skin and the definition of an profile conecting the cut out of the upper and lower skin.

An example for wing cut outs can be found in the picture below:

wing Cut Out

In the default configuration the cut out is as wide as the control surface. If additional spacing is necessary inner and outer border may be set.