ribsPositioning Element


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element ribReference

The ribReference is the reference line for the geometrical rib placement. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge"

      Choice Choice
            Element elementStartUID

elementStartUID defines the innerBorder location of the beginning of the rib set on the ribReference line. It is relative to a section element and hence linked to the outer shape.

            Element etaStart

EtaStart defines the innerBorder location of the beginning of the rib set on the ribReference line. Please note, the eta is relative to wing eta coordinate!

      Choice Choice
            Element elementEndUID

elementEndUID defines the innerBorder location of the beginning of the rib set on the ribReference line. It is relative to a section element and hence linked to the outer shape.

            Element etaEnd

EtaEnd defines the outerBorder location of the end of the rib set on the ribReference line. Please note, the eta is relative to wing eta coordinate!

      Element ribStart

RibStart defines the forward beginning of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge".

      Element ribEnd

RibEnd defines the backward ending of the ribs. It can either be a sparUID or "trailingEdge" or "leadingEdge".

      Choice Choice
            Element numberOfRibs

RibNumber defines the number of ribs in this ribSet. First rib is at etaStart on the referenceLine, last rib is at etaEnd. The spacing is constant on the ribReferenceLine.

            Element spacing

The spacing of the ribs defines the distance between two ribs, measured on the ribReferenceLine. First rib is placed at etaStart.

      Element ribCrossingBehaviour

RibCrossingBehaviour can either be 'cross' or 'end'. If it is set to'end' the ribs of this rib set will end at the intersection with another rib. If it is set to 'cross' the ribs of this rib set will continue at the intersection with another rib.

      Element ribRotation

Definition of the rotation of the ribs.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string

Within the ribsPositioing type the position and the orientaion of the ribs of the rib set are difend.

The positions of the ribs are defined by placing the ribs on a reference line on the wing (ribReference). The inner and the outer beginning of the rib set is defined using etaStart and etaEnd. The position of the forward and rear end of the ribs is defiend by ribStart and ribEnd. The orientation of the ribs is defined in ribRotaton. The number of ribs of the current rib set is either defined by ribNumber or by spacing.

Three examples how ribs can be placed on the wing can be found in the picture below. For more detailed information, pleas refer to the descripion of each parameter.

See Also