material Element


Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence
      Element name

Name of material

      Element description[0, 1]

description of material

      Element rho

Density of material in [kg/mm^3]

      Element k11

stiffness component in 11-direction in [N/m]

      Element k12

stiffness component in 12-direction in [N/m]

      Choice Choice

choice between 3 different material behaviour

            Sequence Sequence

mechanical properties for orthotropic material Material orientation: 1: orientation in first preferred direction 2: orientation in second preferred direction 3: remaining orthogonal direction

                  Element k13

stiffness component in 13-direction

                  Element k22

stiffness component in 22-direction

                  Element k23

stiffness component in 23-direction

                  Element k33

stiffness component in 33-direction

                  Element k44

stiffness component in 44-direction

                  Element k55

stiffness component in 55-direction

                  Element k66

stiffness component in 66-direction

                  Element sig11t

tensile strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig11c

compressive strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig22t

tensile strength in 22 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig22c

compressive strength in 22 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig33t

tensile strength in 33 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig33c

compressive strength in 33 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau12

shear strength in 12 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau13

shear strength in 13 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau23

shear strength in 23 direction in [N/m^2]

            Sequence Sequence

mechanical properties for transverse isotropic material Material orientation: 1: orientation in fiber direction 2 and 3: orientation orthogonal to fiber direction other stiffness components are dependent on the given ones by symmetry relationships

                  Element k22

stiffness component in 22-direction

                  Element k23

stiffness component in 23-direction

                  Element k66

stiffness component in 66-direction

                  Element sig11t

tensile strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig11c

compressive strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig22t

tensile strength in 22 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig22c

compressive strength in 22 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau12

shear strength in 12 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau23

shear strength in 23 direction in [N/m^2]

            Sequence Sequence

mechanical properties for isotropic material other stiffness components are dependent on the given ones by symmetry relationships

                  Element sig11

tensile strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element tau12

shear strength in 12 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig11yieldT[0, 1]

tensile yield strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

                  Element sig11yieldC[0, 1]

compressive yield strength in 11 direction in [N/m^2]

      Element maxStrain[0, 1]

Maximum strain of the material. This value is intended for layerd material. Thus no orientation is given.

      Element fatigueFactor[0, 1]

optional knockdown factor for fatiuqe (defaults to 1)

      Element postFailure[0, *]

This type describes the post failure behaviour of the material.

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type string
Material type, conatining data of a material Material orientation: 1: orientation in first preferred direction 2: orientation in second preferred direction 3: remaining orthogonal direction other stiffness components are dependent on the given ones by symmetry relationships. 3 different material behaviours can be defined which is carried out by the 3 branches of the definition.
  • isotropic material like aluminium and steel may be defined
  • transversal isotropic material like uni-directional layers of CFRP may be defined
  • orthotrop material like several layers of CFRP may be defined
  • See Also
