vtpInterfaceDefinitions Element

Definitions of VTP interface

Namespace: Empty

Schema: Empty

Sequence Sequence

Definition of the VTP interface

      Element vtpFrameDefinitions[2, *]

Definition of the VTP attachment frames and their reinforcement

      Element vtpAreaToleranceX[0, 1]

Defines area for valid x-position of VTP (just used if attachmentpoint is directly based on frame) ==> check and potentially warning message

      Element vtpAreaToleranceZ[0, 1]

Definition of the max. distance between fuselage and the defined VTP pins ==> check and potentially warning message

      Element vtpReinfRelZ

Definition of reinforcement area at VTP frame positions (relative coordinate, smaller than 1.0)

      Element vtpReinfRelWidth

Definition of vertical reinforcements at VTP frame positions (relative coordinate, smaller than 1.0)

      Element vtpIntersectionArc

value to change from horizontal to radial reinforcements for VTP frame plates

      Element vtpAttachmentStructElemUID

UID of elements to connect VTP pins with fuselage (beam elements)

Attribute externalDataDirectorySimple Type string
Attribute externalDataNodePathSimple Type string
Attribute externalFileNameSimple Type string
Attribute uIDSimple Type string
See Also